Mobile apps are big part of every business when you want to engage your customers and boost your brand. With over 75 apps under out belt, the NEWLINEINFO developers have a jump on cloud-based app building that matters. We rely on a cohesive leadership team and veteran engineers to build backend system integration along with frontend customer experiences. Our mobile app development methodology is based on the results-oriented Agile software development processes, and we create enterprise and mobile software to produce the results you expect.


Android & IOS App


Advanced Technology


Elegant User Interface


We use a collaborative cloud mobile app development approach that can change the way you do business. Whether you need an independent, self-managed team or co-developers to brainstorm and share your ideas with, NEWLINEINFO can support your needs for cloud mobile app development. Here are some of the frameworks, languages, and platforms we use for extreme mobile apps:

  • Android and iOS Apps
  • HTML5 (AngularJS, Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, jQuery, Node.js,
  • .NET (Web Apps, Windows Programming)
  • PHP (plus Yii)
  • Python (Django, Google App Engine, Pyramid, TurboGears, Twisted)
  • Ruby on Rails


NEWLINEINFO develops apps that engage. Let’s design an app that your customers can relate to, promote your brand expression, and take your business to the next level.